Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks: Lasers Can Treat Them All

As we live our lives, our skin takes on our character. The spots, scars, and stretch marks we find as we age are a testament of a life well-lived. Stretch marks show we’ve experienced growth or carried pregnancy, and scars are remembrances of events in our lives. While reminiscing is nice, we often want to return to the flawless skin of our youth by removing some of those marks.
The good news is that laser treatment can often correct, minimize or eliminate these flaws so your skin will look and feel younger, smoother, and healthier. (You’ll keep the good memories, of course.) At Easton Dermatology Associates in Easton and Salisbury, Maryland, the doctors are experts at returning your skin to its natural form. Here’s a look at how it works.
Spots, Scars, and Stretch Marks
Age spots, sun spots, or liver spots are all caused by an overproduction of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin color. These spots often occur on the areas of your skin that are most exposed to the sun (the backs of your hands and your face and shoulders are prime locations).
Stretch marks are caused by a rapid expansion of the skin, which leaves behind a thin, discolored scar distinguished from the rest of your skin. They often happen during pregnancy when a woman’s stomach area stretches out or in teenagers when they have a growth spurt. Though they don’t pose any health risk, they can sometimes become irritated.
Scars are usually caused by injury, surgery, or a chronic skin condition, such as acne. Scars can vary in size, color, and texture, and can appear as darkened patches of skin, raised or rough skin, or pockmarks.
Laser Treatment
Laser resurfacing treatments are a safe, noninvasive method to treat all of these conditions. When the laser treatment is focused on a spot, scar, or stretch mark, it breaks apart the unhealthy tissue (such as pigment clumped together or scar tissue), so it can be eliminated by your body.
Once this is done, the focused energy of the laser activates your body’s natural healing processes. The laser actually causes small injuries to the area the doctor is treating. As the body’s healing mechanisms kick in, the damaged tissue is replaced with new, healthy, vibrant skin cells. This gives you firmer, smoother, younger-looking skin with no flaws.
A word of caution: Be sure you find a legitimate provider if you’re interested in laser treatment. There’s no board certification in laser medicine, so see a medical doctor for these treatments if at all possible. Make sure the facility is properly staffed and has the capability of handling a medical emergency should one arise.
The medical team at Easton Dermatology Associates are experts at laser treatments for spots, scars, and stretch marks. Call them today to set up an appointment, and start your journey to a better life!
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