Is Your COVID Face Mask Giving You Acne? Try Our Breakout Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a lot of changes we never imagined, including a direct link to acne breakouts. That’s because the masks we all wear to keep ourselves and others safe create a humid environment where acne-causing bacteria thrive.
Even people who had only mild acne or none at all are reporting unprecedented breakouts. This means we need to add special skin care efforts to our list of other COVID safety habits. Our team of dermatologists and skin care experts here at Easton Dermatology Associates have compiled some tips for keeping your mask acne to a minimum, including professional treatments that will keep your skin clear through COVID and beyond.
Mask maintenance
Cleverly dubbed “maskne,” mask acne is actually a form of acne mechanica, a type caused by pressure and friction. The first step in controlling mask acne is controlling your mask. Here are some tips to help you take charge of the variables and choices that impact your skin:
- Choose a two-layer mask with breathable fabric next to your skin
- Get the right fit: snug, comfortable, full coverage
- After each use, wash your mask with fragrance-free detergent
- Decrease use of products that tend to irritate your skin when you wear a mask
- Wash your hands before and after touching your mask
- Don’t wear makeup under your mask
- Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer before donning a mask
- Go someplace safe, and remove your mask for 15 minutes every four hours
These mask tips can save your skin from acne outbreaks as well as other skin problems like chafing, allergic dermatitis, folliculitis, and rosacea triggers.
Medical help for your mask acne
Despite your best efforts, you may still suffer from acne outbreaks made worse by the mandate to mask up. We understand how frustrating it can be, and we’re here to help.
After we analyze your skin, we determine the best course of treatment for your particular type and severity of acne. Often, topical treatments work best. Some contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to reduce oil and fight inflammation. We instruct you how to apply these safely during these mask-mandated times.
Oral medications may also play a role in your treatment plan, as antibiotics, retinoids, and hormone replacement therapy (or birth control pills) can all help to reduce breakouts.
Laser treatment for mask acne
If you’ve suffered severe or prolonged acne, you may end up with some scarring. Have no fear; we can help with that, too.
At Easton Dermatology Associates, we trust the Icon™ laser system by Cynosure® to effectively reduce the appearance of acne scarring. This innovative, painless laser delivers healing light to the deeper layers of your skin, breaking down scar tissue from within. The treatment also triggers your body’s natural production of collage, a protein essential to the healing process and the underlying structure of your skin. Eventually, your scars diminish, and your skin looks smoother and more even-toned.
If masks are making your acne worse, it’s best to take action now to keep it under control and avoid scarring. When you’re ready for next-level treatment, contact us at either of our two Maryland locations in Easton or Salisbury — we have solutions for your acne.
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